
ASoftMurmurisanonlinebackgroundnoisegeneratordesignedtohelpyourelax,focus,andtuneoutunpleasantsoundsfromyourenvironment.,Createyourcustomrainsounds,interactively—HighestSoundQuality—Frequency-shaped—Hearinglosscompensation—Re-discoverthesoundofrain!,Thisnoisegeneratorisgreatfordrowning-outthelowIQ,ape-likecreaturesintheapartmentsnexttome.Astheymakeundulating,animalnoises-screeching ...,Turnyou...

A Soft Murmur

A Soft Murmur is an online background noise generator designed to help you relax, focus, and tune out unpleasant sounds from your environment.

The Ultimate Rain Sound Generator — Hearing Calibrated

Create your custom rain sounds, interactively — Highest Sound Quality — Frequency-shaped — Hearing loss compensation — Re-discover the sound of rain!

Thunder & Rain — Natural Ambience Sound Generator

This noise generator is great for drowning-out the low IQ, ape-like creatures in the apartments next to me. As they make undulating, animal noises - screeching ...


Turn your browser into a powerful rain noise / white noise generator. Forecast when it will rain over the next 24 hours, or when the rain will stop.

Rainbow Hunt

Online generator of relaxing sounds of rain. Free rainy sounds for background rain.

White Noise Generator, Rain Sound Machine for Sleeping ...

The 6 Sound White Noise Machine helps you fall asleep easier, sleep better and wake-up refreshed. The variety of soothing sounds are designed to mask background ...

Rain Sound Machine

Magicteam Sound Machine White Noise Machine with 20 Non Looping Natural Soothing Sounds Memory Function 32 Levels of Volume Powered by AC or USB and Sleep Sound ...

Rain Sounds Collection

2020年11月6日 — Rain Sounds Collection, Rain Sound Generator. 2:24. 2. Gentle Rain Sounds - Loopable With No Fade. Rain Sounds Collection, Rain Sound Generator.


Listen to soothing nature ambient noise like rain, ocean, pink, brown and white noise sounds and create relaxing soundscapes. Plus online timer and text ...